10/6/24. - fixed an issue where Chromium users couldn't click & drag or use the arrow keys to navigate music. also compressed lots of common image assets

9/20/24. - tidied the layouts on /blog & /discography, also added "loop" to some of the blog songs' tags

8/9/24. - added some new and old music to the blog, fixed an issue where blog audio wouldn't play on Chromium browsers and added a new visualiser to the blog — also fixed minor bugs introduced by yesterday's changes

8/8/24. - updated favicon, improved dynamically loading iframes on important pages, added a donation pledge element and added a mini 3d shop to this page

8/7/24. - added some new music to the blog

6/26/24. - added a page for the new release: rescinder / h.e.

6/14/24. - added the page nezuai.com/void and decorated the header on this page with Errors

6/9/24. - added ?nointro & ?nomusic parameters to nezuai.com/space, solved hit counts not showing commas and removed unnecessary javascript from the top navigtion buttons

5/31/24. - fixed an issue where play counts would reset and added an 'Episode #' denotation to some playlist videos

5/2/24. - updated the footer, changed the changelog to an iframe, fixed multiple missing misc. redirects on album pages

┖[20:33] • added nezuai.com/space

5/1/24. - finalised channel pages & fixed some iframe bugs, implemented an ?autoplay query and 'current/active' label on videos whenever their playlist is visible or surrounded by other thumbnails, and fixed a bug where the play/pause symbol in the video player would not change accurately. also uploaded the rest of void, and added a view count span to all video pages, among many minor visual adjustments

4/30/24. - implemented channel pages & playlist pages on video.nezuai.com — also re-added many videos (slowly adding all of them)

4/25/24. - replaced the ko-fi button with a custom one (should resolve some page elements not loading on mobile devices) & added loading="lazy" to albums (should ensure timestamp URLs ((hyperlink e.g.)) work consistently)

4/24/24. - added playcounts and unique favicons (w.i.p.) to album pages. also added the new album to the discography page, and adjusted the #main_page_edge width for that album page

4/23/24. - added the new music blog for desktop users and added a page for the new release: Worm Adventure

4/13/24. - finally introduced many, many redesigned buttons and pages

new site stats here! ^

2/19/24. - began preparing to migrate to nezuai.com

12/24/23. - A. redesigned some buttons and headers, started rolling out the new audio player (only on select pages for now) and added a page in preperation for the new album: The star shines

B. improved/adjusted the design of the video player & fixed some layout inconsistencies. also added: a proper 'missing video' page, unlisted video title icons, and timestamp url queries: ?s=[value in seconds]. (timestamps in description boxes can't be copied yet, will add this later)

┖[19:23] • added Open Graph metadata to create more interesting embeds for many pages, fixed the mobile embed for the new album displaying the wrong album and fixed buttons on /hub/video/ being constrained

11/13/23. - changed description fonts, got rid of many external links to soundcloud (still in progress), added the new compilation 'Landline' to /hub/discography/ and reintroduced the /new/ shorturl

11/5/23. - customised scrollbars, fixed the link to 'WHAT YEAR IS IT?' on /hub/discography/ previously not working

10/31/23. - tweaked album page layouts (like small changes to the padding & margin between elements) to appear nicer on mobile

┖[14:33] • removed the border on many video player instances due to styling conflicts

10/24/23. - changed nav buttons on /user/ pages to have no border-radius so as to further distinguish them from similar buttons

10/21/23. - added some new music to the blog and uploaded a video

10/14/23. - slightly adjusted the general design of /hub/ and added a button to the top of this page which redirects to it — also tweaked the buttons on the video player and retired the 'themes' beta for the time being

10/10/23. - added a dedicated links page (/hub/) ((think 'linktree' or 'carrd')), redesigned free & /hub/discography, finalized and unveiled the page /hub/video, added a video notification shelf, changed the way emotes are displayed in descriptions, updated author aliases for albums which reflect it and added a page for the upcoming release: yourself, schmuck

9/13/23. - added an outgoing link to the "distilled" cut of 'nezuai', fixed a typo on the page for 'WHAT YEAR IS IT?' and changed the Controls pop-up on video pages to reflect new features

9/10/23. - added playlist pages & arrow key seeking on videos and tweaked the designs of some buttons

┖[02:12] • fixed a couple bugs introduced by the previous changes

┖[20:43] • added a new css logo to the video page header, separators to this changelog; fixed some video player theme inconsistencies and changed video 'Awards' to 'Milestones'

9/6/23. - continued making small additions and fixes, such as: video type denominators, video titles in playlists and video links loading incorrectly

8/30/23. - tweaked video page banner messages and added some new music to the blog

8/28/23. - added a visualiser for the new release: Watch out for ghosts

8/27/23. - overhauled the main page, implemented annotations & clickable timestamps, and a quality/resolution picker for select high-bandwidth videos. also finally redid the footer

8/5/23. - greatly redesigned video pages, updated the video player with a new design and public beta feature

7/29/23. - continued the trend of redesigning many sitewide elements

7/28/23. - added pages for the two new releases, redesigned and further unified many elements sitewide, introduced hub pages and prettied up the redirect URLs

7/23/23. - updated the video player, replaced some more youtube embeds and added new music to the blog

7/15/23. - finally made a custom video player!! this has replaced most youtube embeds on the site

7/12/23. - added some new music to the blog and a heads-up for mobile users entering the site

7/4/23. - added a page for the new release: world1998

┖[01:51] • resolved some scaling issues on desktop & updated many outdated pages

5/29/23. - finally added a page for 'WHAT YEAR IS IT?'

5/23/23. - added color to release titles on release page headers that were unintentionally missing it

5/20/23. - tweaked the changes made yesterday, added some new music here

┖[18:36] • tweaked those header changes again — made them more consistent, added a similarly-styled footer and unified the designs of /new & /discography. also replaced all CD ads to reflect the retroactively cheaper price

5/19/23. - redesigned the header on all album pages to include interesting information about each release

4/24/23. - tweaked the pages that 'albums' and 'new' redirect to on this page, and changed the outgoing clog-link color in old log entries to 9cf1bd

4/23/23. - added a page for the new release: nezuai

4/19/23. - reimplemented a page for 'void', prepared the site for the release of the upcoming LP

4/12/23. - fixed redirects, the tricro embed, and made quotation consistent across album & song names

4/8/23. - added a page for the new release: Canvas

4/7/23. - enlarged embeds on single-shelf album pages and fixed formatting

4/1/23. - added a page for the new release: Rainboom

3/30/23. - added some new music and pages for 'Tricrocosm' & 'Peace Of Mind'

3/3/23. - added a page for the new release: New World

1/3/23. - added a button at the top of this page that redirects to CDs for sale